The Magenta House Library is a tender space to read, discover, and connect. We carry over 2,000 items spotlighting visual art, food cultures, architecture, fiction, the supernatural, digital art & more. Publication types include books, zines, art-book objects, pamphlets, booklets, and interactive texts.
The Library is open to the public by appointment and during open days, booked events and Shop trading hours. To request to visit, you can book via our scheduling portal or check our Instagram channel for updates. We are a non-lending library to enable us to properly maintain the items and offer immediate access. We are also open to receiving loans or donations of books of arts & cultural significance; please hit us up.
The library is built from the merged personal collection of its Housekeepers, as well as book loaned by our friends and collaborators. After years of recommending books to people we meet, we decided to create a purpose-built Library to share and archive our publications in all their tactile, typographical and dog-eared wonder. We believe access to books is a universal right and that shared knowledge leads to bright assemblies of thought, action and liberation. Common visitors to our library include artists, writers, students, academics, cooks, designers, researchers, and entrepreneurs.
This library is self-funded, with pennies from our arts jobs going towards purveying books. We buy from independent sellers, art book fairs, second-hand shops, independent publishing houses and arts spaces across the world–with a predominant focus on the Asia Pacific region. We’re also caretakers of long-term book loans or items kindly donated by individuals, collectives and organisations. Many titles are either limited editions, uniquely-made, or are unavailable in certain countries. We also platform new and reprinted titles popular within the arts sector.
Alongside this, we run Magenta House Shop, which stocks a capsule collection of books and products that explores food cultures, experimental publishing and heritage ventures.